On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, Tipco Asphalt Public Company Limited, represented by Mr. Sophana Ritthisom, Mr. Phoonsak Limpruekkasem, and Ms. Alida Sertthin, had the honor of attending the 55th anniversary celebration of the Southern Group to congratulate them on this special occasion. The company presented a bouquet of flowers, which was graciously received by Dr. Vijak Pongpetra, Chairman of the Mining and Port Business Group.
We also had the opportunity to listen to a keynote speech under the theme “Building a Sustainable Future Together,” delivered by Ms. Pimpattra Vichayakul, Member of Parliament for Nakhon Si Thammarat and former Minister of Industry, who shared insights on sustainable growth strategies. Executives from both Tipco Asphalt and Southern Group exchanged views on opportunities for collaboration and mutual goals, recognizing the importance of sustainable growth. The event concluded with a commemorative group photo to mark this special occasion.