Suratthani Plant Participate in the restoration of the Santisuk Community Water Plant and in the organization of annual activities for Muslim brothers and sisters


Suratthani Plant Participate in the restoration of the Santisuk Community Water Plant and in the organization of annual activities for Muslim brothers and sisters

25 May 2023 | A group of employees from Suratthani plant visited the area with the aim of improving bathroom facilities, plumbing systems, and lighting systems to enhance safety and minimize unnecessary leaks. Their primary objective was to prepare for organizing community events in Santisuk, with a particular focus on serving the important needs of Muslim people. This aligns with the company’s mission of delivering sustainable living conditions to all members of society through innovative solutions, including actively seeking input from the surrounding communities. As a result of these efforts, the department received a satisfaction rating of 98.57%, contributing positively to social development and overall well-being.