pollution management
Pollution Management
We strive to reduce pollution to improve environment

Management Approach
In recent years, air pollution has significantly impacted health and quality of life in various region across Thailand. In 2023, the spread of fine particulate matter(PM 2.5) in Bangkok and other area has been exacerbated by agricultural burning, bushfire during dry season, and transboundary pollution. Our company recognizes the severity of this issue and is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business operations while promoting improved in quality of life for communities and society. We strictly adhere to law and regulations, comply with environmental standard (ISO 14001:2015), and follow a international sustainability framework. This commitment has led to the development of our company environmental and climate change policy to pave a pathway for learning, development, and awareness of social responsibility. We have set a clear targets to minimize our environmental impact concretely.
Pollution management is a critical priority for our company. We are dedicated to minimizing air pollution and reducing a focus emissions of greenhouse gases(GHGs) such as carbon monoxide(CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides(NOx), and total suspended particulates(TSP) from our fuel combustion processes. Our business operations have efficiency controls of a combustion processes, and we carefully select high-quality fuels to further reduce our environmental impact. We conduct annual air quality measurements of a combustion processes and calculate pollutant emissions based on these results. This approach adheres to the principles set forth by the Pollution control department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, reflecting our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability
In 2023, our business expanded the scope of our verification process. This marks the first year of our pollution public disclosure, referenced by the GRI 305-7 standard, using data from our asphalt business in Thailand. All data, covering the period from January to December 2023, has been validated and verified by the Management System Certification Institute (MASCI)
Policy : Environmental Policy
Stakeholder :
Road Users and Communities, Business Partners, Board of Directors, and Employees
Short-term goals :
- No environmental related complaints
- Air pollutants within regulations
- Conduct a 100 % preventive maintenance(PM) inspection of the combustiong system as planned
Long-term goals :
- Zero environmental complain
- Asphalt factory pollution emission rate accordance to law and regulation
- An ongoing process to engage with communities and stakeholder, continuously seeking their input on air issue
2023 Key Performances :
- No environmental-related complaints
- Air pollutants within legal requirements
- PM combustion accordance to the plan and maintain it efficient
- Negotiate with stakeholders at least once a year.
Pollution Management and Activity to Reduce Pollution Emission
Our corporation is committed to a transparency in our operations. Based on our risk indicators and risk management, it is evident that our production activities, including the combustion process used for heating raw materials and the production of asphalt, resulted in various greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions such as Sulfur Oxides (SOx), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Total Suspended Particulates (TSP). In response, our business group has implemented rigorous processes to ensure compliance with laws and regulation by meticulously measured greenhouse has emission from their sources such as Hot oil Boiler and Direct Fire burner, ensuring all readings fall within legally certified criteria, including an annual pollution reporting. Furthermore, proactive measures have been taken to control combustion processes through quality checks, annual maintenance of combustion machinery, and careful selection of high quality fuels to optimize combustion efficiency and mitigate environmental impacts.
2023 Data
Air Pollution Emission Intensity Rate
(Kilogram/Year/Tons of Production)

Pollution Emission (Kilogram/Year)

Open House Activity and Dialogue
The business group has activity engaged with the community and stakeholders by consistently gathering feedback and addressing expectations related to air quality through Open House events and dialogue session. Over the past year, there have been no complaints regarding air pollution from community members or stakeholders.